Series 4078M.A
Kit preassemblato e precablato per il riscaldamento radiante elettrico di porzioni di parete o come integrazione al caldo dell'ambiente in modo invisibile.
Overall dimensions single PAD HV1 (HxLxP): 1600x300x25 mm |
Overall dimensions double PAD HV1 (HxLxP): 1600x600x25 mm |
Power supply: 230V AC |
Equilibrium temperature of MORE PAD HV (1) (4): 45 °C |
Finish equilibrium temperature (2) (4): 40 °C |
Single/double commercial power: 90-180 W/m |
Power absorbed at 10° C single/double: 97-194 W/m |
Power absorbed at equilibrium temperature (3) (4) single/double: 65-130 W/m |
Max. temperature (with limited heat exchange with the environment): 65 °C |
Reaction to fire: Class E, Efl UNI EN 13501-1;2019 |
Electromagnetic compatibility directive certification |
Low voltage directive certification |
Code | Power supply | Box | Cat. | €/m |
4078M3000 | 230V AC | 1 | 70.08 | ||4078M3000_LastPrice|| |
4078M6000 | 230V AC | 1 | 70.08 | ||4078M6000_LastPrice|| |
(1) temperature reached by the heating element with plasterboard finish immersed in still air at 20°C
(2) temperature reached by the plasterboard end finish in contact with still air at 20°C
(3) absorbed power at temperature conditions (1)
(4) performance refers to heating elements installed on thermally insulated substrates
Finiture speciali consentite: cartongesso, intonaco fibrorinforzato con o senza resinatura, piastrelle.
Installabile nel locale bagno in zona 3, quindi a 60 cm di distanza dalla zona doccia o vasca.
Modulo preassemblato con isolamento e finitura in cartongesso.